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Senior Program

Seniors-Led to Health Promotions in Mult
New Horizon Senior Program (NHSP) 
Senior-led Health Promotion
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New Horizon Senior Program (NHSP) 
Senior Exercise Program

(June 2020 - March 2021)

A funded program from NHSP of Service Canada

The senior program of NHSP is to encourage seniors to be proactive in their daily living. The objective of the Senior Exercise Program was to introduce various activities for promoting graceful living together. One of the senior program activities aimed at encouraging the physical activity of the seniors at senior retirement residences though exercise tutorials. The exercises, which were a favorite of the seniors, covered fundamental aspects of movement including balance, strength, and mobility while still being applicable to an older population. Given the complications with COVID-19, the program was conducted while maintaining minimal physical contact. The participants were provided with physical paper copies of the exercises along with a URL link which included the exercises in a video format for those with access to digital devices. The FitBit Charge 3 was distributed amongst the senior participants as both an incentive to stay active, but also as a means of increasing their activity levels. The seniors were contacted through phone calls weekly to briefly discuss their experiences with the program in regard to difficulty levels and frequency of exercise. As a result of the exercise program, many of the seniors have kept active and maintained a healthy level of physical activity. This allows for the preservation of their muscular strength which aids in their ability to live independently.


With the additional NHSP fund program for CTSS providing continual support to seniors in

communities, the seniors can experience a holistic recovery as they feel socially supported, cared for, and have reduced anxiety. Ultimately, they are able to retain their holistic wellness and become resilient, which is especially important in the COVID-19 storm.

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New Horizon Senior Program (NHSP) 
“Worth It to Remember”

(May 2019 - March 2020)

A funded program from NHSP of Service Canada


        “Worth it to Remember” is the theme of a funded seniors-led program of Community Transcultural Support Services (CTSS) funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Senior Program.  The seniors’ program is to help seniors’ raise awareness of memory deterioration and memory loss prevention. The model of the project is specifically designed to  activities led by seniors, such as teaching, learning, telling one’s own life story and sharing talents and skills (singing, baking and so forth) of individuals' old time. Through the funded program activities, older participants may learn to support and care for one another by developing friendship, and sharing life story, and improving recognition of one’s own achievement of the past, and incorporating today’s learning together.

        “值得記憶”是2019到2020年由加拿大新視野老人服務計劃資助的長者領導的CTSS項目的主題。這個長者項目被認為是幫助老年人意識到記憶的退化和丟失的具有開拓性和創新性的工作。項目的特殊設計模式為長者領導的一些活動,包括教學,學習和講述自己生平的故事而且分享個人過去的才乾和技能(唱歌,烘焙等)。項目的活動旨在通過個人過去的生活經驗來激勵老人以及他們的家庭,社區裡的健康工作者,志願者和社區成員。同時,項目的參與者和社區健康工作者也會學著去接受因生理或衰老因素而需要照顧的人們所面臨的獨特挑戰。這個資助的項目將將通過講述人生故事, 發展友誼, 互相幫助,提高對自己過去成就的認知度和將今天的學習結合在一起來發展關愛支持文化。

New Horizon Senior Program (NHSP) 
Seniors-Led to Bridge East (ethnic Calgarians) and West (Caucasian Calgarians) Senior Communities in Calgary.

(February 20, 2018 - February 20, 2019)

A funded program from NHSP of Service Canada

Ethnic seniors lead to bridge seniors, including Caucasian and diverse ethnic seniors living in seniors’ retirement homes and senior communities in the city. Often, ethnic seniors would not proactively connect with others. Perhaps, seniors may have had various factors regarding fear when socially connecting with others, such as low language skills and/or low confidence in communicating effectively.

The program participants would be ethnic-Canadian and Caucasian seniors, such as Vietnamese-Canadian seniors, Filipino-Canadian seniors, Chinese-Canadian seniors, English

speaking seniors and others elderly participants who live with low-income, or have minority backgrounds.

The project activities include learning non-verbal communication skills together, friendly interaction by sharing individuals’ life story among ethnic and Caucasian seniors, talent shows, and entertainment activities. The inter-cultural community activities with cohort care sense will break social barriers between English-speaking and non-English speaking senior Calgarians. Building a caring community without necessarily requiring linguistic skills, but using some basic non-verbal communication cues to increase seniors’ social interactions when possible. All elderly participants will mutually understand, accept and support one another, which will effectively bridge between east (ethnic Calgarians) and west (Caucasian Calgarians) senior communities in Calgary with maximal benefits of senior participants in seniors’ support community development.

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