Community Transcultural Support Services
Primary Health Care Services
(Canada Registered Charity, Est. 2010, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Volunteer Program
Volunteers are an important part of our health charity organization – CTSS, where each one of them come from different backgrounds but share a similar value in serving the community.
Volunteers have contributed in many ways such as:
Interpreters and translators in the medical and health sector.
Measuring blood pressure for elderly community members.
Preparing and assisting in health education workshops and service navigations.
Make a difference with CTSS !
If you are interested in volunteering with us
Our Volunteers
Ms. Angela Wong
Cantonese Speaking Outreach Respresentative
​Certification of Alberta in Health and Wellness Program
Mr. Henry Ngo
Vietnamese Speaking Outreach Representative
MD (Viet.)
Ms. Pei-Pei Zhong
Mandarin Speaking Outreach Representative
Mr. David Hao
Interpretation/Translation Lead
A Former Internalist in Republic of China
Past Volunteer Program
A funded program from Community Initiative Program (CIP) of Alberta Service
Volunteer Program: Cross-cultural Support Services
(March 20, 2017 - March 30, 2018)
A funded program where seniors mentor other elderly seniors is led by ethnic-Canadian seniors by making connections and engagement with the elderly. The age range of senior-mentors and mentees, as program participants, is between the age of 60-80 years old, all from members of ethno-cultural communities. The funded project activities for senior-mentors include outreaching, communicating, and inviting seniors to be senior-mentees or funded program participants. Senior program participants would co-lead social information workshops, group discussions on aging issues, peer supports, and cultural festival celebration activities taking place in senior service areas located in low-income senior retirement residences in Calgary, Alberta. The anticipated results of the seniors-led mentorship project are to prevent ethnic seniors from social isolations and promote togetherness, learn to be empowered and adapt to life changes with a sense of hope and trust, while being supported among ethnic seniors in senior community environments.